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Flea Market Storage Solutions

Flea Market Storage Solutions

February 28, 2012

We made it to Florida without any hitch although I did get a pat down at the gate just before going on to the plane.  I guess I look very suspicious.  Between the 3 of us, we had 10 pieces of luggage to maneuver and I thankfully checked four right off the bat but it was still trickier than I thought to herd two kids and 6 bags.  Who knew?  The girls traveled really well and they were so excited to see their dad at the end of the trip, who they hadn’t seen in 6 weeks.  It feels so great to be together as a family again.  Our rental is furnished with big box deals and is sorely lacking in storage.  None of the bedrooms have dressers so we will be living out of our suitcases for the next several months.  I’m content with this right now but eventually it might be nice to bring some character back into our living space.  A large house is something I’ve never wanted and I could really go for Jessica’s sweet little cottage that Lily featured yesterday.  It just feels more manageable, realistic and comfortable.  And let’s be honest, if you are one to keep up on design trends, it’s much more affordable to redecorate smaller spaces.  The downside of a small space is that it can look cluttered rather quickly and it takes discipline to win the battle.  Rather than resorting to expensive and sometimes unattractive storage solutions, there are plenty of vintage alternatives out there just waiting to be found.

Graham & Green

Better Homes & Gardens

Better Homes & Gardens

House to Home

The Fisherman’s Cottage

Tara Sloggett

Tine K Home

Better Homes & Gardens


Graham & Green

Martha Stewart

Better Homes & Gardens

Better Homes & Gardens

The warm weather here is exactly as I have been dreaming and I’m looking forward to getting through a few more obstacles so that we can really start settling in.  There is still a pile of paperwork to conquer and our belongings will be in transit for another week or so.  Today, we’ll spend some time at the pool, go for a walk and then drive my husband to the airport.  Just three days into our arrival, he’s off on a business trip for the rest of the week.  Life has already begun.  Speaking of which, I must go.  The girls have been waiting patiently for me to finish this post so they can go for a swim.  Cheers!

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