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Colour Burst: Red + Pink Interiors

Colour Burst: Red + Pink Interiors

February 9, 2012

What a week! This mama is tuckered out and I’m very much in need of the weekend getaway ahead! The last few days have been filled with birthday party preparations and yesterday our house was filled up with 11 (yes, eleven!) very excited little girls to celebrate my daughter Sadie’s 6th birthday. It was my first time hosting an after school party and I must say I really liked the timeframe…short and sweet! We had a tea party (although all the little ladies opted for hot chocolate or lemonade instead) and plenty of cake, candy, and itty-bitty sandwiches to go around. And at the end of the day, there were plenty of sticky finger prints everywhere and one very happy six year old!

EST Magazine via April & May

My daughters are both big fans of pink and, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I figured it’s the right time of year to showcase some bold hued rooms. Both red and pink can easily be overdone but I think each of these spaces have injected just the right pop of colour to warm things up…

SF Girl By Bay

Country Living

Thuss + Farrell via Hank & Hunt

Homelife via Dust Jacket via Creamy Life. Photo by Warnes & Walton.

The Marion House Book

House to Home via You Are My Fave

Hus & Hem

Rie Elise Larsen via Stylizimo

Bonnie Tsang for Rue Magazine (Bri Emery‘s loft)

Little Miss Lollies

Unfortunately, the clouds darkened our sky (and my house) and these were the only two blog worthy photos of our party yesterday. Sadie and I made a brave attempt at our first layer cake (a rainbow one at that!) and, if you squint your eyes and stand waaay back from the screen, I think you’ll agree with me that it turned out okay! Alright, so I’m no baker but at least all of the little girls were impressed…

Do red or pink make regular appearances in your home decor? I generally prefer red but I’ve been coming around to pink, if it’s less bubblegum and more of the coral variety. I’m off to the gym and then out for lunch to celebrate my good friend Aprille’s birthday, not to mention nullifying my workout! I might even get a chance to put my feet up this afternoon before getting the family organized for a weekend without me, although it’s not likely. I’ll save the R+R for Seattle…see you next week!

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