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A weekend of fieldtrips…

A weekend of fieldtrips…

March 5, 2012

Well, we had a fabulous weekend!  With my husband gone on a business trip all last week, we decided catch up on some family time and head out to Ponce de Leon in Daytona Beach to enjoy the sun on the sand.  We started off having lunch at Racing’s North Turn aptly named, for it’s where the original Daytona beach raceway was held from 1936-1958.  After enjoying their fish tacos, we head down to the beach.  The sand was powdery white and the water was a lovely shade of blue.   The girls had a great time jumping the waves and building sandcastles.  But the wind was a little more than we could handle so we decided to take refuge from the blowing sand at the Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse & Museum.

Built in 1887, the Ponce de Leon Lighthouse is the tallest lighthouse in Florida, one of the tallest masonry lighthouses in the country and the first one that I’ve ever climbed.  It was a beauty with black and white marble checkerboard floors and window sills, a circular stairway, detailed ironwork and a stunning view, of course.  Besides the stress, I wouldn’t mind living life as a lighthouse keeper with great legs from all that stair climbing.

Then yesterday, on a whim, we drove up to Mount Dora to look at two homes with a realtor.   Mount Dora is a quaint little village that sits on the banks of  the picturesque Lake Dora.  The downtown core reminded me a lot of Fort Langley, BC, a historical tree lined street.  We fell in love with the old time community charm and the hills made us feel right at home.  The first home was okay but the second home made my heart skip a beat…and still is.  There are still quite a few things that need to happen before we can take the leap into a house.  For now, I’m crossing my fingers that the house will wait for us.  Our moving truck arrived on Friday in record time so we’ll be tackling that task this week.  After talking to people who relocated before us, we heard that it could take 2-3 weeks so we weren’t expecting them so soon .  The drivers braved snow storms and were just 4 hours ahead of those wicked Tornados going through the mid West.  We hope they enjoy some down time at the beach before they make the long trek back to BC.  Most of our belongings will remain in storage for the time being but we’ll fill our truck with some necessities and toys for the girls.  It will be nice to have more than 4 place settings and one frying pan.  Other than that, we’ll see what the rest of the week brings.

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