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Shades of Lavender

Shades of Lavender

May 12, 2011

From the time she was about 18 months old, one of my daughters has seriously been in love with the colour purple.  I never knew someone could be as obsessed with a particular colour as she is, especially from such a young age.  She always notices purple and is quick to point it out.  The girls shared a room up until recently when we figured it was time for them to have their own space.  And so far, it’s worked out perfectly.  I mentioned the other day that my hunt for purple bedding came to an end when I found it at a local home decor store and we were both thrilled.  Now to get on with choosing the wall colour.


via The Style Files photographed by Petra Bindel

To save myself from driving back and forth from the paint store when trying to find the perfect colour for our main living space during our renovations, I purchased a Benjamin Moore fan deck.  It’s so handy to pull out in situations like this.  So, one afternoon, I pulled out my trusty fan deck to pick out wall colour with two 5 year old girls.  Should be easy.  Right?  Well, once they figured out that each colour had a name, it was very hard to convince them to switch.  “Princess Purple” sounds a lot better than “Stormy Sky”, you know.  I resorted to making names up.


via The Style Files photographed by Petra Bindel

Scandinavian design has been influencing the blog world quite a bit these days.  And I have to say that I quite like it too.  How about you?  All that white, makes even the smallest amount of colour pop.  And if purple is your favourite colour today but not tomorrow, it’s not a big deal to make a change.  But I don’t think I’d get away with white walls with my Purple Princess.  I picked a pale purple called Dreamy Cloud (a.k.a. Princess Purple) similar to the nursery space below.

1. Maggie Austin Cake 2. Sushipot

via The Style Files photographed by Petra Bindel

I tend to stick to neutrals so I’ve had to get used to all this pink and purple business.  It’s been good for me to break free from playing it safe with colour.  Do you play it safe?  Or are you a brave one when it comes to adding colour into your home?

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