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Birch + Bird Vintage Home Interiors

Hollywood Hideaway: A Bright Family Home

March 19, 2014

We’re only a few days into Spring Break here and I don’t know about you but it feels like everyone and their dog is currently sitting on a hot sandy beach except for us. Boo hoo! But we’ve been filling our time visiting with friends (ones who aren’t beachside either) and taking jaunts around the neighbourhood and local parks so I can’t complain too much. We’ve got a two week break so I’ll get more organized planning day trips next week but for now it’s been pretty nice just to lounge around and enjoy some lazy mornings. I’m still craving sunshine and this light-filled Hollywood home is pretty much the ultimate antidote. The stunning photos are courtesy of Brittany Ambridge and you can see more shots of the entire home here. Home to fashion designer Chay Wike, this hillside retreat was recently featured in Domino Magazine and I immediately fell in love with the lofty beams, vintage touches and mix of materials used throughout:

Brittany Ambridge | Domino MagazinePhotos by Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Brittany Ambridge | Domino MagazinePhotos by Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Brittany Ambridge | Domino MagazinePhotos by Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Brittany Ambridge | Domino MagazinePhotos by Brittany Ambridge | Domino Magazine

Pretty special, isn’t it? Built in 1933, Chay and her family did some minor renovations when they moved in but retained the home’s original architecture and charm, including some imperfections (like the concrete kitchen floors, which I absolutely love). Surrounded by nature and overlooking the bright lights of Los Angeles, this home is a true gem. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Blogger Style: Simply Grove

March 17, 2014

Confession alert: I’m a voyeur. Well, when it come to interiors and home decor, anyway! Always  have been. Some of my first memories are walking with my mom through our childhood neighbourhood at twilight, covertly peering into lighted windows (from the appropriate sidewalk distance, of course!) and I totally still do the same today. Creepy? Maybe, but that’s what blinds are for, right? We’re all curious about how other people live (aren’t we?) and I think that’s why I started blogging in the first place. I truly love seeing what makes a house a home and, if you’re reading here today, I’d imagine that you do to. I plan on sharing more pics of my own home and homes of friends in the near future but for now I’ll continue to share other spaces that inspire me, like the home of blogger Kirsten Grove:

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.Home of Kirsten Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.Home of Kirsten Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

Home of Kristin Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.Home of Kirsten Grove via Style Me Pretty. Photo by Allison Corona.

I especially love seeing stylish family homes that don’t break the bank. Kirsten and her family rent this fantastic space and used some special touches (like temporary wallpaper, how cool!) to make this house a home. Do you have any “cheap tricks” that you use in your own home decor? Please share!  You can see even more photos snapped by Allison Corona of the Grove’s home over at Style Me Pretty. Hope you’re having a great start to your week 🙂


Friday Finds: Nature Inspired

March 14, 2014

What a week! I’m officially exhausted but made it through a busy week of filming at our shop. It was pretty exciting being used as the set location for a movie and it’s incredible how much happens behind the scenes to make everything come together. Not sure I’ll look at tv the same way again! Monica and I were at the shop until the wee hours last night after the crew packed up and put things to rights and it’s funny how it suddenly looks as though nothing happened, everything’s back to normal! Well, except for the fine dusting of Christmas glitter that we’re sure to be finding for weeks to come 😉 Spring Break starts now and I need to hustle to plan the next two weeks of family fun for the kiddos. We’re not going away (although I dream of heading for hot sand like the photo below!) but we’ll head out on at least a few day trips and activities to keep us all happy and sane. Here are just a few links I’ve loved this week:

Decorating with Flowers by Holly Becker + Leslie ShewringDecorateWithFlowers.com by Holly BeckerLeslie Shewring

Villa Kalos, GreeceVilla Kalos, Greece via est

Design*Sponge. Young in the Mountains studio. Photo by Kelly Ishikawa.Young in the Mountains studio tour Design*Sponge. Photo by  Kelly Ishikawa.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Style Alert: Minimal Bohemian

March 12, 2014

Sorry for the late post today but I’ve been very distracted by the movie filming on location at Spruce Collective over the last couple of days. I even got pulled in as an extra this morning, true story! I’ve been on set quite a bit but despite my “big” moment on camera (and by big I mean minuscule), the extent of the excitement basically consists of trying to find a spot to stand that’s not in the way. Have you ever been part of a movie filming?

On a complete change of subject, I read a design term that really stuck with me yesterday, “Minimal Bohemian” (thanks for the decription Eva!). I’m often asked how I would describe my style and always have a really tough time putting it into words but I think that minimal bohemian pretty much sums it up! Here are some examples of looks I’m loving right now:

Architectural Digest Espanha. Photo by Belén Imaz.Photo by Belén Imaz for AD Espanha (via ArkPad via Sycamore Street Press)

Reath DesignReath Design

Femina. Photo by Kira Brandt / Glotti Press.Femina via Home & Delicious

Helt EnkeltHelt Enkelt

Milk Magazine. Photo by Louise Desrosiers.Milk Magazine vie The Style Files. Photo by Louise Desrosiers.

Clean lines, layers of subtle texture and pattern, plenty of natural elements like wood, concrete and brick. What do you think, does that sound like Minimal Bohemian to you? How would you describe your “look”? Back to the set I go! I’ll let you know if I have any more “big breaks” 😉


Spring Fling: Colourful Art, Bright Accents + Girl Power

March 10, 2014

It suddenly feels like Spring, doesn’t it? Maybe it’s the whole “Springing forward” time change or seeing buds starting to bloom but whatever it is, I’m ready for it! The last of the snow has melted (knock on wood!) and I even left the house without a jacket yesterday, risky after the torrential downpours, I know but it feels great to start shedding layers. The changing of seasons is the perfect time to switch things up on the decor side of things and I always love seeing unexpected pops of colour. Art, rugs and quirky vintage finds are my favourite ways to inject bold hues into my own house and here are some other bright ideas:

"Girls vs. Women" print by Jenny Highsmith | MaieDae“Girls vs. Women” print by Jenny Highsmith

I came across the above Jenny Highsmith print recently and immediately ordered a copy for each of my Spruce partners (and more to sell in our shop, they’ll be in stock later this week!) and cannot wait to hang mine up at home! It’s been mildly shocking how often we’re asked “how on earth can five women be in business together?!” (generally accompanied by a skeptical laugh) and even more shocking that the question is most frequently asked by other women. I don’t suppose that certain reality shows have done us any favours and although it’s really unfortunate that some people find it easier to visualize cat fighting brawls instead of creative collaboration, I’m extremely thankful that this quote sums up the reality of our collective experience at Spruce! I truly hope that it’s reflective of your own relationships with women as well. Happy International Women’s Day, by the way 🙂

Ikea Hack, Jallvik colour blocked frames. Photo by Livet Hemma. Livet Hemma via Poppytalk

INT2 ArchitectureINT2 Architecture via Behance via My Paradissi

Style Me Pretty. Hong Photography.Hong Photography for Style Me Pretty

Studio of Leah Alexandra. Photo by Janis Nicolay. Styling by The Cross.

Studio of Leah Alexandra in Style at Home magazine. Photo by Janis Nicolay via SF Girl by Bay. Styling by The Cross Design.

My AtticMy Attic

HK Living. Trendspanarna.HK Living via Trendspanarna.

Whether your budget is big (lucky you!) or small (I can relate), it doesn’t take much to add a little taste of Spring to your space. Bright blooms are always a great place to start (tulips are my fave) and I’ve framed everything from postcards and book pages to tea towels and wallpaper scraps, cheap and easy! Do you adjust your colour scheme with changing seasons? If so, I’d love to hear your own tips and tricks. Chat soon!

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