Wrap It Up
November 21, 2011
I hope your weekend was as relaxing as ours. We spent most our time this weekend with friends and family and it was so great! Temperatures have dropped around here and we even had our first snowfall. It’s nothing to write home about but there was enough snow to blanket everything in white for the morning until the sun melted most of it away. The girls spent a few hours scraping as much of it as they could into a pile to make a tiny little snowman. There has been a long standing rule in our home that there is no hint of Christmas before December 1st. But since this year is a little different, my husband went out into the freezing cold to put up our Christmas lights on our home one last time. The girls were so excited to show me once it was dark enough to get the full effect. That was it though, the rest of the decorating will have to wait until next weekend which is still early. I still haven’t done any Christmas shopping and to tell you the truth I’m not too stressed about it. I guess the “keep it simple” pact I made with myself is holding. Once I do have all my Christmas shopping done, I’m looking forward to get creative with the wrapping and now with Pinterest the ideas overflow.
1. The Knot 2. Real Simple 3. Design*Sponge
If you haven’t already, be sure to enter our giveaway for your chance to win the brand new Chicago Spaces: Inspiring Interiors design book! I was oohing and aahing all the way through. Have a great week!