With a Thankful Heart
October 7, 2011
As Rachel shared yesterday, I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is here already! Life seems to be moving at hyper speed these days and some days it’s all I can do to keep up. This week, I was forced to slow down with a sick little girl in the house and it looks as though I may be homebound for a little longer too, as our middle daughter came down with symptoms of the same mean virus last night. Sigh. I really love the Fall but I really do not love all of the back-to-school germs that come along with the season.
Feeling cooped up all week, I’ve had to remind myself (more than once, I’m afraid) of how much I have to be so very thankful for. It’s amazing how easy it is to get caught up in life’s hiccups and to lose focus on it’s blessings, isn’t it? I had some time to clear off several stacks of paperwork off of my desk and uncovered a sticky note that I wrote and stuck on my computer base a couple of months ago listing, “patience, gratitude, be satisfied with less”. I think it’s the most important paper on my desk and I won’t be moving it any time soon!
Urban Grace via Oh So Beautiful Paper
Since I’ll be keeping all three kids home from school today, I think that the Thankful Tree above would be the perfect craft for us to work on before the weekend. Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions for your family or for yourself? We’ll be back on Tuesday with a post about that super-duper-secret project we were working on last month too…can’t believe it’s taken us this long to share! Happy Thanksgiving!