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Cozy Spaces for the Fall

Cozy Spaces for the Fall

October 17, 2011

Crisp sunshine, dewy spider webs, the smell of wood smoke in the air…there are so many things that I love about Autumn! This weekend was full of warm sun and it felt so great to get outside with the kids and soak it up. I think that all of us living on the West Coast know that we’ve got to enjoy our sunny moments while we can because the clouds and rain will soon be here to stay! We’ve already been on a couple of field trips to the local pumpkin patch but will wait until next week to make the official Halloween pumpkin picks. In the meantime, I’ve been cutting sprigs of colourful leaves from around our yard to bring a taste of the Fall indoors…

All the Beautiful Things

Country Living


Better Homes & Gardens

Pure Green Magazine

These autumn nights are definitely getting chilly and I would absolutely love to get my hands on an iconic Hudson’s Bay blanket like Emma’s of The Marion House Book. Cozy throws, stacks of firewood and layered pillows all bring a sense of warmth to a space, don’t you think? And, yes, that is a stocking hanging on the mantel a few pictures down! Christmas is already on my mind for a few reasons, one of which we hope to share later this week…

The Marion House Book

Elle Decor

Canadian House & Home

Wouldn’t you love to absorb some autumn sunshine or cuddle up on a crisp night with friends around this amazing fire pit? I sure would, especially with a mug of Serena’s Spiced Pumpkin Sippers...yum!


The Farm Chicks

With a busy week ahead, I feel like I’ve got a lot on my mind these days. Most of it’s just the busyness of life that comes along with a young family, with the addition of some exciting plans for the near future. But mixed in is some uncertainty about the long term future. I try hard to take life as it comes but I really do love a plan so going-with-the-flow sometimes makes me feel a little anxious. How do you deal with the little curve balls in life? I know that everything will work out in the end…whatever will be, will be…right? And it does feel exciting to be completely open to whatever the future may bring. Have a great Monday!

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