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Budget Friendly Decorating

Budget Friendly Decorating

May 25, 2011

Well, the days are just flying by and it’s hard to believe that The Old School Market is just days away…ahhhh! That’s not a freak-out “ahhh” it’s and excited one…well, with maybe just a tiny freak out at the end! Rachel and I have paced ourselves pretty well and spent last night stringing miles of vintage map bunting while the rest of our town watched a nail-biter of a hockey game. Today we’ll be finishing up our sandwich boards and a few other little details, like maybe a twilight mission of taping signs to every telephone pole in town!

While we were stringing decorations last night, we had some time to talk through our plans for the coming months. This past year has been quite the learning curve…from opening our shop last June, to starting our blog in November and now to hosting our first market…all while juggling family life! Although not without it’s challenges, this year has been so fulfilling and it’s amazing for us both to look back and see truly what a difference a year makes. While we haven’t checked of nearly as much of of our to-do lists as we’d have liked, Rachel and I each have several DIY projects that we’re determined to tackle…after this weekend. And maybe after an afternoon at the spa…

Canadian House & Home

The Marion House Book

We’re all on a budget of some sort and ours is a little snug these days, as we’ve closed our shop to focus on the market. But it doesn’t take a lot of coin to get creative decorating ideas for your home. Some of our favourites are vintage bottles and tins but how about looking a little outside the box. We’ve come across a couple of lovely porcelain sinks lately that could easily be incorporated in a powder room or ensuite…isn’t the utility sink above gorgeous? It’s just the perfect amount of unexpected and would be oh-so-practical for a family with young kids! And using colourful tins a fridge magnets? Of course Martha would think of that…brilliant!

Martha Stewart

1. Canadian House & Home 2. 100 Layer Cake

Now, this is actual wallpaper from the Swedish company Carma, but it got me thinking about all of those colourful pads of scrapbook paper just sitting in my closet, begging to be used. I’ve seen vintage maps and book pages pasted onto walls so why not colourful squares like these?


Skona Hem via Emmas Blogg

Repurposing items is the best way to recycle. Using old wood stumps and planks as seating or framing fabric as art are just a few examples. Feeling handy? Turn a vintage music stand into a lamp or freshen up worn globes with chalkboard paint, the opportunities are endless.

Canadian House & Home

1. The Painted Hive 2. Blue Bell Bazaar via Design*Sponge

As Rachel spoke of yesterday, we’ve got a big soft spot for vintage souvenirs. Looking for unique but cheap party plates? Hit up your local thrift store where you can often find single dishes for under a dollar. Your guests will love them!

Style Me Pretty

What are your favourite ways to decorate on a dime? Please share and we’d love for you to send us Before & After’s of your own DIY projects too!

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